IUPAP > resolution

IUPAP resolution regarding international conferences at this time


IUPAP, during the darkest days of the cold war, apartheid and many other difficult
political eras over the past 100 years, has always been able to do two things with
care and responsibility:

i) Kept open the channels for scientific cooperation across all political and
other divides in the hope and expectation that enhanced scientific
collaborations are an important means to develop improved understandings
between different peoples that contributes to world peace, and

ii) Expressed its concerns about any activity or intervention, including
war, that impacts negatively on our ability to engage scientifically on a global
scale and hence impacting negatively on (i) above.

IUPAP has issued its statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine
2022-03-01/) in accordance with (ii) above.

It will be inappropriate for IUPAP to bar any scientist, especially from a member
nation, from any scientific activity in accordance with (i) above. So long as the work
upholds the ethics and principles of science in its highest ideals, for example, does
not contribute to weapons capabilities, IUPAP can see no reason to disallow Russian
scientist participation in the affairs of the Union.
The IUPAP Executive Council



Physicists, and scientists more generally including students, from any country around the
world who feel excluded from participating in IUPAP-related conferences, workshops,
meetings, etc, based on their affiliation, country oforigin may formally apply to the IUPAP
via the organizer of the IUPAP-related activity to use the IUPAP as their affiliation only for
that specific activity. The applicant will need to sign a declaration that they are not actively
supporting war and are committed to democratic principles for resolving disagreements and
The IUPAP Executive Council
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
c/o OBERSON ABELS SA Rue de-Candolle 20
CP 225
CH-1211 Genève 12 Switzerland

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